Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Bethleham Nativity Scene

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The Bethlehem scene was created by the entire school and sits on display in the main corridor. Each class had a specific role in bringing this beautiful project to life.

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Below are photos of the the work in progress.
Students from the grade 2 class started with the base of the project. 
They created a shimmering river and decorated the landscape with vibrant fruit trees.

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Spooky Skeletons

The foot bone's connected to the leg bone.
The leg bone's connected to the knee bone.
The knee bone's connected to the thigh bone.
Doin' the skeleton dance. 

The thigh bone's connected to the hip bone.
The hip bone's connected to the backbone.
The backbone's connected to the neck bone.
Doin' the skeleton dance.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sculptures of the Human Figure


This figure has long arms and long legs.

Esta figura ten brazos longos e pernas longas.


 This figure has big ears.

Esta figura ten orellas grandes

This figure has a long nose.

Esta figura ten un nariz longo.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Every child is an artist

Come and check out all our cool art projects done by the 1st and 2nd grade students at our school. While they are colouring, cutting and gluing, they are also learning English at the same time. Not only are they creative little minds, but intelligent ones too.

More to come soon!

Pasen e vexan o noso estupendo proxecto de arte para o 1º e 2º cursos de Educación Primaria do noso cole. Á vez que colorean, cortan e pegan, tamén están aprendendo inglés. Ademais de grandes mentes creativas son moi intelixentes.

Proximamente máis!